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Download The Free RefillPro App

Refill your prescriptions and get information about your pharmacy with RefillPro, a free app created by ScriptPro that makes refilling scripts easier than ever.

With RefillPro you no longer need to call your pharmacy or appear in person to request a refill. Just enter your script number or scan the previous fill’s barcode, select a dispense option, enter any additional comments, and submit the prescription for refill. The script will be entered straight into your pharmacy’s prescription queue to be filled. If your script has run out of refills or has expired you will be given the option for the pharmacy to request more refills from your doctor.

Important information about your pharmacy can also be located within the app. Call or locate your pharmacy right from the home screen with one touch. Open the Store Information page to learn store hours or open the pharmacy’s website in your device’s default browser. RefillPro simplifies the refill process and saves you valuable time.

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